Nifa Persada Teknindo

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PT. Nifa Persada Teknindo

Industries Application

We are a manufacturer company that can customize your tubing needs according to the specifications you need. There are many products that we can provide for production machines at your company that don't get the best tubing yet.

Pulp and Paper

Processing of wood as a base for producing pulp, paper, board and other cellulose-based products.

Power Plant

Production and generation of electricity from various power sources, such as PLTU, PLTN, PLTA, PLTB, PLTG, PLTS, PLTSa.

Gas and Oil

The search for oil and gas is a hydrocarbon mineral industry using geological surveys, geophysical surveys and drilling.

Cement Industries

The cement industry is one of the many industries that form the basis of industrial and economic development in Indonesia.
007 - Bottling PlantCreated with Sketch.

Food and Baverage

The food and beverage industry is one of the mainstay manufacturing sectors in making a major contribution to national economic growth.

Petrochemical Plant

Petrochemical is an industry engaged in chemical processing using fossil raw materials.

PT. Nifa Persada Teknindo

Frequently Asked Questions

We will explain some of the questions that are frequently asked by clients from
PT. Nifa Persada Teknindo, if there are questions that don't have an answer here, please contact us.

What does Nifa Persada Teknindo specialize in?

We have a flagship product, namely PTFE Lining Pipe, which is carefully processed by our production team and inspected by the QC team to match your request. We also produce Expansion Joints (Fabric and Metal) and Flexible Hose. You can see more details of our products at Our Products .

How big is the production capacity of Nifa Persada Teknindo?

Nifa Persada Teknindo has production facilities in the Cibinong area, Bogor, Indonesia. This capability enables us to produce the best products from within the country. Our facilities offer a wide range of capabilities as well as sample production speeds to meet most manufacturing needs.

Can Nifa Persada Teknindo ensure that products are "Made In Indonesia"?

Nifa Persada Teknindo can look at the specific needs of manufacturing clients and find the optimal solution that will ensure the product meets all regulatory requirements set by the state while ensuring manufacturing and cost efficiency.

Where can Nifa Persada Teknindo products be used?

Pulp and Paper Mills, Power Plants, Oil and Gas, Cement Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Chemical Plants, Petrochemical Plants, Steel Mills, Sugar Mills, Food and Beverage.

PT. Nifa Persada Teknindo

Main Product

Increasing Sustainable Stakeholder Value A commitment that is strongly driven by complete machining facilities, adequate equipment and experienced human resources in their fields.

PTFE Lining Tee


Fabric Expansion Joint

Expansion Joint Fabric Rectangular


Thermo Cover


Expansion Joint Rubber

PTFE Expansion Joint


Flexible Hose

Flexible Hose Metal


Storage Tank Fabrication


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