In Indonesia, companies need a legality letter to operate, in this case PT. Nifa Persada Teknindo has the legality to be able to run our business, our entire industry is legal from the central government and local governments.
No : PEM-01523/WPJ.22/KP.0803/2011
No : PEM-0006374ER/WPJ.22/KP.0803/2011
No. 517/03/IV/Ekbang
No. 16 Tanggal 10 Juni 2011 Notaris Shinta Kusuma Sakti, SH. SK KEMENKUMHAM No. AHU-38858.AH.01.01.Tahun.2011
No. 566.71/004/00165/BPMPTSP/2015
No. 30 Tanggal 17 Juli 2019 Notaris Suwanda, SH., MKn SK KEMENKUMHAM No. AHU-0112795.AH.01.11.Tahun.2019
31.353.287.1-403.000 s/d Febuari 2022